SLEDD Hemodialysis

In Dr. Anil Patel’s kidney clinic, Slow Extended Daily Dialysis (SLEDD) may be offered as a form of renal replacement therapy for patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) or chronic kidney disease (CKD). Here’s how SLEDD hemodialysis might be implemented and managed:

  1. Patient Evaluation and Selection: Patients who may benefit from SLEDD hemodialysis undergo thorough evaluation by Dr. Patel and his team. This assessment includes a review of medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, and imaging studies to determine the appropriateness of SLEDD therapy based on the patient’s clinical condition and treatment goals.

  2. Treatment Planning: Based on the patient’s diagnosis and kidney function, Dr. Patel develops an individualized treatment plan that includes the frequency, duration, and modality of SLEDD hemodialysis. The treatment plan may vary depending on factors such as the severity of kidney dysfunction, fluid and electrolyte status, and presence of comorbidities.

  3. Vascular Access Placement: Dr. Patel ensures appropriate vascular access for SLEDD hemodialysis by placing a central venous catheter (CVC), arteriovenous fistula (AVF), or arteriovenous graft (AVG) as needed. Adequate vascular access allows for the efficient removal and return of blood during dialysis sessions.

  4. SLEDD Hemodialysis Procedure: During SLEDD hemodialysis sessions, blood is withdrawn from the patient through the vascular access device and circulated through a hemodialysis machine. The machine removes waste products, excess fluid, and electrolytes from the blood using a dialyzer or filter. SLEDD differs from conventional hemodialysis in that it is performed for longer durations (typically 6-12 hours) at a slower rate, allowing for more gradual removal of solutes and gentler ultrafiltration.

  5. Monitoring and Supportive Care: Dr. Patel and his team monitor patients closely during SLEDD hemodialysis sessions, assessing vital signs, fluid status, electrolyte levels, and other relevant parameters. They provide supportive care, such as hemodynamic support, electrolyte replacement, and symptomatic management, as needed to ensure patient safety and comfort.

  6. Nutritional Support: Nutritional support is an integral part of SLEDD hemodialysis therapy. Dr. Patel and his team work with dietitians to develop individualized nutrition plans that meet the patient’s caloric and protein needs while accounting for fluid and electrolyte restrictions.

  7. Patient Education and Counseling: Dr. Patel educates patients and their families about the purpose of SLEDD hemodialysis, the treatment process, potential risks and benefits, and what to expect during therapy. Clear communication and patient education help alleviate anxiety and promote active participation in care.

  8. Multidisciplinary Collaboration: SLEDD hemodialysis involves collaboration among various healthcare professionals, including nephrologists, dialysis nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, and social workers. Dr. Patel coordinates care with these team members to ensure comprehensive management and optimal outcomes for patients undergoing SLEDD therapy.

Overall, SLEDD hemodialysis is a valuable therapeutic option in Dr. Anil Patel’s kidney clinic for patients with AKI or CKD, offering the advantages of more gentle ultrafiltration, improved hemodynamic stability, and potentially better preservation of residual kidney function. With personalized care, close monitoring, and multidisciplinary collaboration, Dr. Patel aims to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients receiving SLEDD hemodialysis.


